Lev Blumenfeld
Associate Professor
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Dr
Ottawa ON K1S 5B6 Canada
2024. Blumenfeld, Lev. Is Micronesian a linkage?
. WALC1 workshop, UH Mānoa.
2024. Blumenfeld, Lev. A Micronesian merger mystery: the fate of Proto-Oceanic *R. Under revision.
2024. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Retention and loss of plant terms from Proto-Oceanic to Micronesian
Waka Kuaka: The Journal of the Polynesian Society
2024. Baković, Eric and Lev Blumenfeld.
A formal typology of process interactions
Phonological data and analysis
6(3): 1–43.
2024. Baković, Eric and Lev Blumenfeld.
Process interactions
. Submitted, de Lacy and Jardine (eds.),
The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology
, 2nd ed.
2023. (translation) Polivanova, Anna K.
Old Church Slavic: grammar and dictionaries
. Translated by Lev Blumenfeld. Ed. by Artemij Keidan. Firenze University Press.
2023. Baković, Eric and Lev Blumenfeld.
Formal characterization of disjunctive application
. Poster,
2022. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Notes on the diachronic phonology of Nauruan
Oceanic linguistics
61(2): 684–720.
2022. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Notes on the synchronic phonology of Nauruan
Oceanic linguistics
61(2): 651–683.
2021. Blumenfeld, Lev. Nauruan
and causative pathways in Micronesian.
Proceedings of COOL11
2020. Л.А.Блюменфельд.
Взаимодействия сегментных преобразований в абстрактной грамматике
Друзья, слова, таблицы: сборник статей в честь 75-летия А.К.Поливановой
, под ред. А.В.Кейдана. Москва: Кабинетный ученый. 50–61.
2020. Baković, Eric and Lev Blumenfeld.
Rule interaction conversion operations
6.2, e062.
2019. Muldner, Kasia, [...], Lev Blumenfeld, [...].
The phonetics of code-switched vowels
. International Journal of Bilingualism 21(1): 37–52.
2018. Baković, Eric and Lev Blumenfeld.
Overapplication conversion
. In Ryan Bennett et al., eds.,
Hana-bana: A Festschrift for Junko Itô and Armin Mester
, Santa Cruz, CA.
2016. Blumenfeld, Lev.
End-weight effects in verse and language.
Studia metrica et poetica
3.1: 7–32.
2016. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Generative metrics: an overview
Language and linguistics compass
10/9: 413–430.
2016. Blumenfeld, Lev and Ida Toivonen. A featural paradox in Votic harmony.
2015. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Meter as faithfulness
2015. Toivonen, Ida, Lev Blumenfeld, [...].
Vowel height and duration
. Proceedings of WCCFL 32.
2014. Blumenfeld, Lev. Quantifying metrical easiness. Proceedings of CLS49.
2014. Gribanova, Vera and Lev Blumenfeld.
Russian prepositions and prefixes
. Proceedings of CLS49.
2012. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Vowel-zero alternations in Russian prepositions: prosodic constituency and productivity
Russian Language Studies in North America
, ed. by Veronika Makarova. London: Anthem Press.
2011. Blumenfeld, Lev.
and prosodic structure
. Proceedings of WCCFL 29.
2011. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Abstract similarities between Greek and Latin dialogue meteres
. In
Frontiers in comparative prosody
, ed. by Mikhhail Lotman and Maria-Kristiina Lotman. Peter Lang. 275–294.
2011. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Coercion and minimality
The linguistic review
2008. Blumenfeld, Lev.
On shallow and deep minimality
. Proceedings of BLS 34.
2006. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Constraints on phonological interactions
. PhD dissertation, Stanford.
2004. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Tone-to-stress and stress-to-tone: Ancient Greek accent revisited
. Proceedings of BLS 30, 1–12.
2006. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Tone domains in Tonga
. ROA.
2003. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Counterfeeding, derived environment effects, and comparative markedness
Theoretical linguistics
2002. Blumenfeld, Lev.
Russian palatalization in Stratal OT: morphology and [back]
. Proceedings of FASL 11.
Last updated 2024-11-21